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Blog.ir بلاگ، رسانه متخصصین و اهل قلم، استفاده آسان از امکانات وبلاگ نویسی حرفه‌ای، در محیطی نوین، امن و پایدار bayanbox.ir صندوق بیان - تجربه‌ای متفاوت در نشر و نگهداری فایل‌ها، ۳ گیگا بایت فضای پیشرفته رایگان Bayan.ir - بیان، پیشرو در فناوری‌های فضای مجازی ایران

What a whirlwind

دوشنبه, ۹ دی ۱۳۹۲، ۰۷:۲۰ ب.ظ

گرد باد, گردبادهای دریایی,چگونگی ایجاد گردباد

Earth is rotating around its own axis . This would require that parts of the Earth is closer to the equator have a higher linear velocity . Well now very large pit in the Northern Hemisphere to consider . For convenience , assume that the edge of the hole big enough Jnvbyash Shmalyash near the edge of the Arctic and near the equator ( in the north ) is.

be . To the linear velocity , is aligned with the Earth's rotation around itself .


because of the fluidity of water causes a counterclockwise rotation ( moving in opposite clockwise , counterclockwise is called. prefixed Persian iPod - means it is against ).

When you dive into a pit of water in the Northern Hemisphere . Similar argument shows that if the hole in the Southern Hemisphere, the water cycle , would be clockwise . ( A clockwise motion that moves like a clock Qrbhhay the top right , then down and then to the left ) it was mentioned here, the plain language of the Coriolis force , which is known in physics .

The ideal situation for all pits with dimensions small, unless there is another factor in the cause of the fluid rotation in the opposite direction begins . So at least we get the result that the water flowing into a hole of its own weight on the ground , the Eddy or rotation.

Here are the similarities between a tornado and a whirlpool , in which each fluid revolves , is to ask ourselves whether the reason for the tornado vortex mentioned is true or not. To check the air flow conditions must all be considered when a large outbreak of tornadoes .
These tornadoes usually come about when the surface of the sun is very hot and the same abundant moisture from evaporating surface heat and keep warm waters, it has intensified

Current Air Force said the cause of the hole as well as the Coriolis , when passing through the hole in the weather will turn around at once .

Based on the amount of heat trapped air layer is much too cold and dry air cushion Dmaysh difference is how much and how the weather conditions allow the warm air trapped beneath another adiabatic air cushion cold Weather is not a major hurricane intensity varies. The large size of the cyclone could even lead to hundreds of kilometers .'s .

Hurricanes always arise in an atmosphere of instability too . In such Hngamhay , the temperature decrease with height in the atmosphere is great. Indeed it is very powerful tornado, thunderstorm activity . Cyclone ( tornado ) translate Spanish word meaning thunderstorm tornado is.
Except that this phenomenon produces strong winds and strength , destroy buildings partially exploded along with this. Less than a minute at atmospheric pressure may be reduced by more than 50 mbar . Atmospheric pressure difference between the inside and the outside of the package , causing explosions and may throw off the walls and ceilings of the building .

Typhoon -prone region in Mississippi Tornado alley is the world's largest annual tornado that occurs out of 200 .
Marine tornadoes - Water Spouts
Marine tornadoes occur in the sea and the ships that they are on track to bring significant damage . Marine tornadoes are two types , one type of land as a tornado that occurs over the sea , that of funnel -shaped cloud extending toward the bottom of the cumulonimbus is created. Another type of high water levels on spreads and do not relate directly to the cloud .
Both phenomena , apart from its genesis , water spout waterspout called because water is pushed into it and the top

موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۹۲/۱۰/۰۹
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