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Blog.ir بلاگ، رسانه متخصصین و اهل قلم، استفاده آسان از امکانات وبلاگ نویسی حرفه‌ای، در محیطی نوین، امن و پایدار bayanbox.ir صندوق بیان - تجربه‌ای متفاوت در نشر و نگهداری فایل‌ها، ۳ گیگا بایت فضای پیشرفته رایگان Bayan.ir - بیان، پیشرو در فناوری‌های فضای مجازی ایران

Meat was produced anti-cancer

شنبه, ۱۴ دی ۱۳۹۲، ۰۸:۰۱ ب.ظ

Meat was produced anti-cancer

گوشت ضد سرطان,گوشت حاوی ترکیب ضد سرطان,تولید گوشت ضد سرطان

Tabriz University researchers were able to produce meat contains cancer-fighting compound .
Jamal Saif Davati doctor , graduated in Animal Science ( Animal Nutrition ) , University of Tabriz , this design in his paper entitled " Effects of polyphenol compounds , amino acids and fatty acids profiles of grain legumes ( Lathyrus sativus , Vicia and Gavdanh ) of raw and autoclaved CLA on anti-cancer compound Drgvsht fattening lambs " have been made in this area, said said nutrient and non- nutrient compounds or anti- nutritional effect of different grain legumes in the production of this type of large grains in the country and their role in animal nutrition and their effectiveness in producing meat is essential .
He said the plan to realize the potential value of grain legumes, the profile of amino acids, fatty acids and phenolic compounds, tannins and phenolic compounds with no tannins and condensed tannins , and then evaluated to determine their actual value of five tests at the laboratory level ani-mal and There have been alive .
especially vetch seeds increase CLA anticancer compounds in meat and processed grains do not show any effect on the quality of the protein sources .

He pointed to the work plan based on the results of the experiments In vitro evaluation of various phenolic compounds such as concentration - Aksalyl - L - alpha - beta - D Mynvprvpyvnyk acid (ODAP), condensed tannins , total phenolic compounds , total extractable tannins and their impact on the bioavailability of fatty acids and amino acids legume seeds in different parts of the gastrointestinal examinations were performed on fattening lambs .
it is .

موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۹۲/۱۰/۱۴
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